Aleixo is a professional chef who, since 2010, has managed the Maré de Sabores programme and integrated it into the community movement known as Redes da Maré. This is an organisation that aims to provide support for the rights of those living in the 16 favelas that make up the community of Maré in Rio de Janeiro, which has a total of 140,000 inhabitants. The programme provides cooking workshops and gastronomic events for the community. The programme also runs a buffet which employs women from the parent project and offers healthy food to the community at an affordable price. During the pandemic, Maré de Sabores has had an important role in the favelas, serving as a food bank and providing solidarity meals. Alexio led and coordinated all work on food security, food management, preparation and distribution of meals. Throughout the crisis, the programme has also been at the forefront of a campaign for awareness, education and social work.