Virgilio Martinez

At Central in Lima, Virgilio Martinez pushed Peruvian cuisine to unexpected limits with a perspective that exposed it to innovation and exploration, built upon the work of Mater Iniciativa, a multi-disciplinary platform that dives into one of the world’s greatest biodiversities under the premise of “afuera hay más” (‘there’s more outside’). With Mil, his most recent endeavour in Cuzco, he breaks the mould under the gaze of Moray’s Incan ruins, with a non-invasive model of interaction in which the heritage of ancestral communities and the knowledge gained through research are combined into a creative offering that touches on themes such as biodiversity, sustainability, knowledge exchange, and connections with the earth.

What we choose to do is actually more important than what we do. May each new concept we create become an opportunity to develop something transcendent, rather than innovative machines without any real impact.”